Timiskaming Drug and Alcohol Strategy Endorses Icelandic Prevention Model

On September 20th, the Prevention Pillar of the Timiskaming Drug and Alcohol Strategy received a presentation from the Timiskaming Health Unit on the need for a comprehensive youth substance use prevention approach in Timiskaming District. The Icelandic Prevention Model (IPM) was featured as an evidence-based upstream approach to prevent and delay the onset of first use. The model is based on the principle that the whole community needs to be involved in order to impact youth behaviours.

Iceland is a global leader in preventing adolescent substance use and improving well-being through community-based approaches. The Icelandic Prevention Model was developed to make sure youth have the supports they need to achieve their best outcomes. This includes reduced substance use, improved mental health, reduced violence, and a better sense of belonging in the community.

The approach was pioneered in Iceland in the early 90s, a time when the country had one of the highest teen substance use rates in Europe. Over a 20-year period, with joint efforts across communities and institutions, Iceland went from having one of the highest youth substance use rates in Europe to the lowest. Planet Youth is now active in more than 16 countries around the world, including here in Ontario.

The pillar discussed the applicability of the Iceandic Model to Timiskaming District and decided to add further exploration and adoption of the model to the pillar’s five-year work plan (2022-2027)